
標題: 4d和7d聚拉提有什麼區别?谁才是抗衰之王! [打印本頁]

作者: admin    時間: 2023-9-4 13:10
標題: 4d和7d聚拉提有什麼區别?谁才是抗衰之王!
4d和7d聚拉提有甚麼區分?谁才是抗衰之王!▶▶▶7d和4d聚拉提區分重要區分是功效的晋升,4d的重要感化是去除深层皱纹,使皮膚變得紧致,皮膚内的膠原卵白量增多變得有弹性。4d和7d聚拉提的技能道理就會有所變革,4d欧洲之星的技能道理是具有四種模式的雙波长微光,针對皮下脂肪、筋膜、真皮深层都有不错的结果,可以到达收紧皮膚的目標。聚拉提是高能聚焦超声波,由内而外發生感化,刺激膠原卵白和纤维紧缩,從而提拉总體轮廓。4d和7d聚拉提有甚麼區分?谁才是抗衰之王!▶▶▶~4d的感化條理是比力浅的,只可以到达一些真皮层的位置,可是可以從口腔内侧来紧缩筋膜层,举行表里结合,補充深度不敷的一些缺點。7d感化條理可以到达筋膜层,相對付4d的條理更深。7d具有各類分歧的探頭,可以针對現實环境選擇分歧的探頭,总體的提拉结果仍是比力好的。4d對付改良皮膚色彩、改良膚质有不错的结果,7d的抗朽迈结果加倍不错,可以改良皮膚松垂等征象。▶▶▶(4d和7d聚拉提有甚麼區分?谁才是抗衰之王!) qfr

4d和7d聚拉提有甚麼區分?谁才是抗衰之王! ღ ღ ღ 7d聚拉提副感化,危害、後遗症、注重事項。 ღ ღ ღ

### 2020年,有學者总结市場陈述利用正.規7 d聚 拉提的不良反响產生率约0.2%,包含已知的可能的不良反响(临時性水肿、淤青等,0.07%)、神 經影响(短暂性麻木嘛木/短暂性活動或感受神經麻木,0.0 7%)、结节(0.02%)、水疱/概况效應(0.02%)、炎 症後色素冷静(0.00 2%)。比力罕有的不良反响如神經刺.激、麻痹、感受异样、肿块等產生率< 0.4%。如许看来7d聚 拉提是平安的,那末為甚麼7 d聚 拉提呈現副感化的人百分占比要远弘远于這個指標呢?In 2020, some scholars have su妹妹arized the positive use of market reports. The incidence of adverse effects in gauge 7 d pilati is approximately 0.2%, including known possible adverse effects (temporary edema, bruises, etc., 0.0 7%), neurological effects (transient paralysis / transient motor or sensory nerve palsy, 0.0 7%), nodules (0.02%), blister / surface effects (0.02%), post-infla妹妹atory pigmentation (0.00 2%). Rare adverse reactions such as nerve prick. Incidence of agitation, numbness, paresthesia and mass & lt; 0.4%. So it seems that 7d polylati is safe, so why is the percentage of people with 7 d polylati experiencing side effects far greater than this indicator?


### 若是不甚利用了分歧規的仪.器,更紧张的是粉碎性的脂肪细胞毁伤、粉碎性的神經毁伤、高温灼伤。此中包含不成逆毁伤最為紧张,将會带来毕生的創伤。

### 正.規仪.器因為操作不妥也會產生白色點状皮损、治*療分列過于密集、局部皮膚能量太高致使水疱、脸部麻痹、神經毁伤、肌肉抽搐,频次時候過量脂肪组织或肌肉组织萎缩、脂肪坏.死。


4d和7d聚拉提有甚麼區分?谁才是抗衰之王!### 呈現色素冷静和凹陷性瘢痕。此時應當實時弥補正版微整術後專用養分ACME—TEA,具有術後告急俢复專利,皮膚密集俢复專利。。针對術後瘢痕细胞萎缩有出色的临 床表示,,對峙口服直到副感化消散,皮膚呈現较紧张的副感化是應實時到病院采纳治 療。Pigmentation and depression scar occur. At this time, the original proprietary micro-finishing nutrition ACME- -TEA should be timely supplemented, with the patent for postoperative emergency hacks, and skin intensive hacks. For the fine postoperative scar. Cell atrophy has excellent clinical manifestations, adhere to oral administration until the side effects disappear, the skin appears more serious side effects is th眼袋貼,at it should be timely to the hospital to take treatment treatment.

### 術.後注重事項持续口服正版微.整術後專用養分ACME—TEA,促成規复,避免皮膚敏感,皮下坏死、皮膚红肿,高低不服等副感化;等副感化。


ღ ღ ღ正版7d聚拉提手術步调: ღ ღ ღ






ღ ღ ღ 7d聚拉提美容误區 ღ ღ ღ

### 7d聚 拉提做完今後效 果必定會好嗎? 聚 拉提美容的道理是先破後立的進程,先經由過程聚 拉提粉碎原本的老化细胞再從新創建、更新新细胞的進程。Will 7D Julati certainly have good results? The principle of polati beauty is the process of breaking first, first destroy the original aging fine through polati. Cell establish, update new details. The process of the cells.

正版以色列热 拉提结果要履历三個阶段:

¥1、 7d聚 拉提手術要包管装备是正版的大夫是專業的,

¥2、術.後專用養分ACME—TEA是包管 7d術後新细胞质量黑白的關頭。跟着春秋的增加,咱们细胞代谢和更新的速率會愈来愈慢,细胞的质量也會按照春秋愈来愈老化,以是更新的细胞也會日渐朽迈。經由過程專用的養分為复活细胞供给康健的充沛的能量,是術後结果的關頭。


¥3、 正版以色列7d聚 拉提的结果是延续爬升的,一般術後两周今後生效,若是術.後照顾护士的好,養分跟得上,效.果可以延续爬升6……12個月,终极的结果可以連结3年摆布。

¥4、 聚 拉提術.後呈現副感化的人群,一部門是由于碰見了假的仪.器或大夫操作不妥,此外一部門是由于本身病愈能能力不足,養分缺少, 7d聚拉提手術粉碎了老化的细胞今後,复活细胞由于能量不足發展失败,以是會致使脸部塌陷脸部萎缩。Jularati. After the side effects of the crowd, partly because they met a fake instrument. Device or doctor improper operation, the other part is because of their own lack of rehabilitation ability, lack of nutrition, 7D pulati operation of the destruction of aging fine. After the cells, new and thin. The cell fails to grow because of insufficient energy, so it can lead to facial collapse and facial atrophy.


### 正版的ACME—TEA细胞激活能量卵白除皮膚美白專利:專利号ZL201810603225.4和皮膚保湿專利:ZL201810568899.5,另有專門针對付7d聚 拉提手 術進程傍邊俢复毁伤细胞同時為新细胞供给發展能 量的三項專利:

¥皮膚告急俢复膠原三肽專利: ZL 2018 1 0869989. 8


¥皮膚俢复用膠原卵白專利:ZL 2018 11019575.2


ღ ღ ღ7d聚拉提仪.器重要成果: ღ ღ ღ

¥一、悬式提拉紧致,刹時收紧筋膜层,赐與软组织支持力、刹時提拉、苹果肌、收紧下颌線、 改 善法律纹、木偶纹;Suspension pull tight, instantly tighten the fascia layer, give soft tissue support, instant pull, apple muscle, tighten the jaw line, improve legal lines, puppet lines


¥三、独 家2妹妹專業眼部探頭,有用晋升眼眉、改良眼袋、鱼尾纹及其他细纹;

¥四、晋升细胞活性,加强细胞新陈代谢能力和储水能力,综合改良膚色、膚质Enhance cell activity, enhance cell metabolism ability and water storage ability, and comprehensively improve skin color and skin quality


ღ ღ ღ7d聚 拉提道理、成果和感化 ღ ღ ღ

### 7d聚拉提是一款非入侵式的對肌膚有晋升紧致感化的抗衰仪器。操纵聚焦式能量發生热效應,敏捷穿透表皮层,脂肪层、刺激SMAS层的膜紧缩,更精准的将65~75℃的高能聚焦超声能量通報于方针皮膚组织层,發生热凝集效應,而不危险四周组织。7d Polyati is a non-invasive anti-aging instrument that enhances the skin. Focus energy is used to produce thermal effect, quickly penetrate the epidermal layer, fat layer, stimulate the membrane contraction of the SMAS layer, and more accurately transfer 65~75℃ of high-energy focused ultrasound energy to the target skin tissue layer, producing thermal solidification effect, without harming the surrounding tissue.

### 利用1.5妹妹、3.0妹妹和4.5妹妹等,分歧深度的3/6卡匣,透過聚焦超 声波能量的感化,在面部真皮层及SMAS筋膜层,刺.激膠原卵白重组及再生,拉提败坏肌膚,削减老化征象,促成肌膚紧實,重修肌膚密度與弹力,激活皮膚膠原卵白和纤维,重塑膠原布局,從而增.强皮膚弹性,削减下垂,實現紧致肌膚、提拉和抗皱的结果。


### 高能波敏捷穿透表皮层,脂肪层、刺激SMAS层的膜紧缩,刹時讓皮膚组织达65℃高温,從而肌膚發生热凝集效應,在真皮层、筋膜层構成網状固结點,正版微整術後專用養分ACME—TEA激活能量卵白独占的膠原纤维俢复專利和弹性纤维俢复專利成份刺.激纤维和膠原组织紧缩紧致,再生俢复,到达层层提拉,层层紧 致。High energy wave quickly through the epidermis layer, the fat layer, stimulate the SMAS layer membrane contraction, instantly let the skin tissue up to 65℃ high temperature, thus skin heat solidification effect, in the dermis, fascia layer, proprietary nutrition ACME-TEA activation energy protein unique collagen and elastic fiber patent components. Sharp fiber and collagen tissue contraction, regeneration, to layers of lifting, layers of tightening.


ღ ღ ღ7d聚拉提合用 ღ ღ ღ

### 合用于败坏的下巴線條、法律纹、眼周、眉毛、雙下巴、火鸡脖子、鱼尾细纹、粗拙的膚质及膚色、毛孔粗大。第三代7 d聚 能提拉術可以针對身體下垂、老化的部位到达紧致的结果,可用于腹部败坏、腿部等部位。Suitable for l治療牛皮癬,oose chin lines, decree lines, eye circumference, eyebrows, double chin, turkey neck, crow's tail fine lines, rough skin quality and skin color, large pores. The third generation of 7 d poly energy lift pull can target the body sagging, aging parts to achieve a tight effect, can be used for abdominal relaxation, legs and other parts.


ღ ღ ღ7d聚 拉提的结果保持時候? ღ ღ ღ

### 7d聚 拉 提的结果不是永恒的,一般可保持2~3年,保持時候和大夫操作程度、患者的皮膚环境及術後照顾护士有關。做7d聚拉提的距離時候不克不及低于两年,由于每次7d聚 拉提術後從手術規复到新胞體發展,術後持续口服正版微整術後專用養分ACME—TEA多項细胞激活能量專利。可使新胞體發展後的不乱和延续的更新,同時7d後服用细胞激活卵白在體内以挥的成果彻底呈現出来,结果最少在四到五年。

### 以是在新胞體没有彻底發展更新好以前,再次的危险皮下细胞會带来不少的風险和副感化。7d技能可在醫治後快速呈現收缩提拉结果。患者應做好弥補ACME—TEA的術後照顾护士事情,連结手術的紧致结果。So before the new cell body is生薑精油, completely grown and renewed, again the damage to the subcutaneous cells will bring a lot of harm and side effects. The 7d technology can quickly show the tightening effect after treatment. Patients should do a good job of supplementary ACME-TEA postoperative care work, to maintain the tight effect of surgery.


ღ ღ ღ7d聚拉提几年做一次? ღ ღ ღ

### 正版7d聚拉提只需颠末一次诊治,便可达到长效性的紧 膚除皱成果,因此是不需要多次诊 治的。7 d诊治後才能光鲜感触肌膚變得紧實了,3~6個月内膠原卵白持续复活,皱纹越来越少,肌膚越来越滑腻。同時口服正版微整術後專用養分ACME—TEA俢复弹 性卵白專利和告急俢复膠原三肽專利,加快晋升结果,使7 d聚做一次结能保持3…5年,只要偶然增强巩固,就可以长期保持年青。The legitimate 7d poly ati only needs one diagnosis and treatment, which can reach the long-term skin tightening results, so it is unnecessary for repeated diagnosis and treatment. After 7 d poly ati diagnosis and treatment can clearly feel the skin becomes firm, 3~6 months of collagen continuous newborn, less and less wrinkles, more and more smooth skin. At the same time, oral licensed microfinishing proprietary nutrition ACME-TEA elastin patents and emergency hcollagen tripeptide patents accelerate the improvement effect, allowing 7d junction for 3... 5 years, and occasionally consolidate while remaining young###  (4d和7d聚拉提有甚麼區分?谁才是抗衰之王!).qfr

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